@article{3157, author = {Hyuk-Jin Lee and Choi Yeol}, title = {A Study on the Cultural Tourism Characteristics and Development Directions of Gangneung Danoje Festival}, abstract = {The purpose of this paper is to describe the festival establishment and creating process, cultural tourismcharacteristics, and development directions of ‘The Gangneung Danoje Festival’. In order to achieve the purpose,the researcher conducted the literature review and field survey by using photos. Gangneung Danoje has the longesthistory among Korean local festivals and its main purpose is to worship the guardian spirit of a mountain whichprotects the town and pray for the peace of the town and all families and prosperity of farming. It was designatedas Korean Important Intangible Cultural Properties(No. 13) in 1967 and as one part of Korea’s Masterpieces of theOral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2005. 2014 Gangneung Danoje was held from May 31to June 7 and was composed of traditional memorial ceremonies, many cultural events(Danogut, GangneungGwanno Gamyeongeuk, and traditional Korean music performed by farmers), traditional folk games(ssireum,swing, tug of war, arrows throwing game and yunnori) and other programs and events(festival market and convenient facilities). The following development directions for the festival can be made: First, nationallysupported human resources management for the effectiveness of the transmission system of Gangneung Danoje andthe protection of it’s Intangible Cultural Properties are needed. Second, meaningless and crude programs should bephased out due to festival event degradation. Also it is needed that facility supplement for the festival and theappropriate use of the operational system management. Third, the various compositions of contents need to bedeveloped in order to increase interest and satisfaction for the festival tourist. Together with contents development,the effective use of Danoje related characters and the coproduction of tourism souvenirs are required. Forth, therelationship marketing among Danoje and other festivals in Gangneung is required. Fifth, the global regionalmarketing strategies to increase the demand for foreign tourists should be established.}, year = {2014}, journal = {Journal of the Association of Korean Photo-Geographers}, volume = {24}, number = {3}, pages = {1-16}, issn = {2288-9795}, }