@article{2539, author = {Beñat Ibaieta}, title = {Zumaiako Hiru Anai batelaren inguruan}, abstract = {This article discusses information on the batel (rowing boat) Hiru Anai , built in Deba in 1928, compiled in an interview with its owner Akeliño Osa. The pur pose is to raise awareness of the importance of making use of tangible and intangible maritime asse ts when recovering vessels; the aim should not only be to recover the actual vessel, but also its history and the way it was handled.}, year = {2016}, journal = {Itsas memoria: revista de estudios marítimos del País Vasco}, number = {8}, pages = {183-195}, issn = {1136-4963}, url = {https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/extart?codigo=5892244}, }