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Between narratives and lists: performing digital intangible heritage through global media 2014 Sheenagh Pietrobruno International Journal of Heritage Studies
Bibliografía relacionada con el Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Sierra de Albarracín (II) 2014 José Vilar Pacheco
Beneficial properties of plants and their derived extracts on the cardiovascular system. 2014 M. Colombo, C. Falciola, S. Maffe, F. Davanzo NUTRAfoods
Before the flood: Loss of place, mnemonics, and resources ahead of the Metolong Dam, Lesotho 2014 Rachel King, Luiseach Eoin Journal of Social Archaeology
Beneficios de la enseñanza del patrimonio inmaterial en el desarrollo cognitivo y emocional 2014 Amador Cernuda Lago
Bruegel and Burke were here! Examining the criteria implicit in the UNESCO paradigm of safeguarding ICH: the first decade 2014 Marc Jacobs International Journal of Intangible Heritage
Campanas, Campaneros y Toques: un patrimonio inmaterial y su educación 2014 Eliseo Martínez Roig
"Call for intangible cultural heritage" - The searching and finding of the UNESCO cultural heritage continue 2014 S. Andris Schweizerisches Archiv fur Volkskunde
Capture, Modeling, and Recognition of Expert Technical Gestures in Wheel-Throwing Art of Pottery 2014 S. Manitsaris, A. Glushkova, F. Bevilacqua, F. Moutarde ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage
Capoeira: the social memory constructed through the body 2014 Igor da Cunha, Luiz Vieira, Luiz Vieira Tavares, Tania Vieira Sampaio Movimento