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Mostrando 1831 - 1840 de 1987
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Título Año de publicación Ordenar ascendente Autor/a Revista / Editorial
Using tourist resources as tools for teaching and creating, awareness of heritage in a local community 2007 P. De Camargo, G. Richards Cultural tourism: global and local perspectives
Whalers’ Shanties of Barouallie, St. Vincent: Observations on the Nature, Decline and Revival of a Unique Caribbean Maritime Tradition 2007 Daniel Lanier, Vincent Reid Intangible Heritage
The difference of the Intangible Heritage Protection System between China and Korea from the case study of Gangneung Danoje Festival 2007 Yang Linxi Study of Ethnics in Guangxi
The Establishment of Public Participation Legal System of the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage 2007 Ma Hong-yu Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute
The Ethnology Department of the French Ministry of culture and the Inventories of Intangible Heritage in France 2007 C. Hottin
The importance of heritage preservation in natural disaster situations 2007 Dirk Spennemann, Kristy Graham International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management
Sen s capability approach applied to the identification of new heritage value: empirical study on the effects of flood control project. 2007 Y. Kitabatake Environmental Economics and Policy Studies
Sobre algunas etimologías vascas en la obra de Coromines 2007 Patxi Zaratiegi
Sites of memory in Langa 2007 S. Field, S. Field, R. Meyer, F. Swanson Imagining the City: Memories and Cultures in Cape Town
Slave route projects: Tracing the heritage of slavery in Ghana 2007 Katharina Schramm Reclaiming heritage: alternative imaginaries of memory in West Africa